Please if you find this useful do me a favor? <3 Could you max your intelligence with chems/unyielding/such equip armorer perk and craft a light leather chest. Armor Set Guide Chest Armor,DR,ER,RR,Arm Armor,DR,ER,RR,Leg Armor,DR,ER,RR Leather - Light,16,45,0,Leather - Light,11,21,0,Leather - Light,11,21,0 Leather - Light. Making good progress, thanks to some pms and thread additions we almost have all the basic stats. Will update the table as I find more values, will add values for mods as well. Hi since I can't find this information online anywhere here is what I have so far, can anyone contribute? Base stats for the types of armor, the numbers without any bonus intelligence quality(no white bar).